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Didactics occur every Wednesday from 8am - 12pm and consist of lectures, interactive discussions, and hands-on procedures and simulation labs. Lectures feature our own residents and faculty as well as a variety of guest lecturers. Didactics are an integral component of resident learning and a great complement to our on-shift experiences.

Dr. Warpinski (APD) giving a lecture on shock

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Every 3rd Wednesday of the month is hosted by MSUCOM's Statewide Campus System, a consortium of community-based GME programs in Michigan. As a member of the SCS, we are privileged to hear from renowned guest lecturers, such as Dr. Judy Tintinalli, and participate in case presentations as well as hands-on procedural workshops.



Once a month a portion of didactics time is dedicated to a specific area of ultrasound. In addition to hands-on practice with US, the program also provides residents with subscriptions to EMSono and SonoSim for in-depth videos and quizzes that prepare you for didactics and on-shift scanning.

Our residents are required to complete 200+ scans over the course of their residency in order to ensure that upon graduation they feel comfortable applying POCUS to aid in their future clinical decision making.

Dr. Boytsov (C/O 2024) practicing his FAST exam on Dr. Wesley (C/O 2022). No free fluid was present.

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Our didactics follow the Foundations of Emergency Medicine curriculum. FoEM is a flipped classroom based learning experience designed to provide a "comprehensive framework for understanding cardinal presentations, “can’t miss” diagnoses and essential management strategies."



Frequently throughout the year Dr. Zelenka (Procedures Director) uses didactics time to fine-tune our skills in any and every procedure we might encounter in the ED.

Twice a year we also head to Beaumont Royal Oak's state of the art simulation lab! Here we are able to gain additional practice on a wide variety of procedures and mock simulated patient cases.

Dr. Lagerveld (US Director) talking Dr. Baroff (C/O 2024) through an US-guided pericardiocentesis.



We have a strong relationship with all of our subspecialties, which enables us to not only learn about high-yield topics from an EM perspective, but also from the perspective of residents, fellows, and attendings in those specialties. This enhances our education and, more importantly, patient care.

Dr. Shecter (ENT C/O 2026) talking Dr. Boytsov (C/O 2024) through laryngoscopy on Dr. Wesley (C/O 2022).



Once a month we supplement our bedside education and didactics with journal club. We put an emphasis on developing the ability to critically evaluate literature and assess its utility in our clinical practice. In an effort to foster an environment of wellness and camaraderie we always couple journal club with a fun group activity!

BFHEM takes on Whirly Ball. Dr. Cooley (Research Director) holding up the #1 to remind everyone of his Whirly Ball prowess.


If you're interested, come join us for one of our Wednesday didactics! Check out our education calendar to see what is on the agenda and reach out to our Education Chief, Dr. Sheyann Kirby, for any questions or further details.

Education: Activities




28050 Grand River Ave
Farmington Hills, MI 48336

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